
a new chapter

Inspire Respire has had a makeover.

The look is different, my goals are different, and yes the content will be different.

I have finally gotten bored of unenthused and unapplied posts. Inspire Respire is a blog about embracing girl hood and approaching life with creativity. If you see an outfit look forward for the very applied reason to wear it. If you see food, you are going to hear about the mind blowing taste or the hooplah of presentation. If you see some art, you my reader have the choice to hear about all of the many deep thoughts that formed it - you may also hear about why depth is overrated.

Look forward to the future readers.




A summer photo shoot on the vine wall that defines the heavily walked path to school. The feeling of summer is leaking from my tear ducts and pores. The freedom is almost foreign. Magda is my model, compete with tight blonde curls and ivory skin.




I've decided to start including the total coast of the outfits I wear.  I want this blog to be about being an individual. I use style and fashion to express my individuality and personal aesthetic. The cost of being fashionable tends to be high but I hope you can use this blog as a resource on low cost style.


More photos from my walk in the fresh snow with Marcel.

Today it rained. It made me think of the place where I used to live where that was typical weather for all seasons. In the fall there was windy rain, winter had hail, spring had light showers to feed the plants and even in the summer you could expect some warm summer showers. I miss that. 

On other news I along with seven other youth from my province have been accepted to spend a week working intensively with professionals in our artistic disciplines and then we will go to a teacher conference to discuss our creations and talk about gifted students. I am quite thrilled to be a part of this!



Spring Air

This outfit is entirely hand-me-down/thrifted/home made, I am so happy whenever that happens! I got the pieces in New Brunswick when I roadtripped there with my mother and sister for Easter. It was a lovely trip and I even got to go searching for chocolate eggs which I hadn't done in quite some time.

I am currently working on a paper on the effects of the development of birth control on second wave feminism and it is giving me all sorts of cool clothing vibes! I need to interview a person who knows a lot about the feminist act and can give their opinions, and I am afraid that I will just end up asking them what kind of shoes they wore when they were protesting!